photographer Yulianna 
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photographer Yulianna 
Вступила 01.03.2009
О пользователе
ОткудаРоссия, Москва
ДР25 СЕНТября
My name is Yulianna, I am a young photographer, born in Kaliningrad on the coast of the baltic sea and I startet my career as a fashion model. Modeling took me to many places in the world such aus Milan, Paris, Bejing, Shanghai, Singapore, Munich and many, many more.

My countless photoshootings and the experience seeing photo productions from a model`s view as well as with the eye of a professional photographer has been very helpful to me.

Being a young women I see as an advantage due to the fact that I am close to fashion trends and at the same time can teach new talents how to succeed in front of the camera….

Photography is my passion and I love creating concepts out of an idea into the perfect picture.
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